The Nordic Swan Ecolabel environmental requirements for building operations

Nordic Swan Ecolabelling of building operations reduce the environmental impact by meeting strict requirements on energy and water efficiency and climate adaptation. It also regulates indoor air quality, resource use, biodiversity protection and the use of products and services that meet strict health and environmental standards.

The product group includes the operation of new and old office buildings, educational buildings such as schools, and preschools, as well as the operation of new and old residential buildings such as apartments, townhouses, student housing and special housing for the elderly or people with disabilities. The product group also covers the operation of healthcare facilities, such as dental clinics and physiotherapy centers. It is the operation of the individual building that can be certified.

The requirements include:

  • Operation of energy-efficient buildings from the start or after implementing energy saving improvements.
  • Saving energy with continuous monitoring and optimization.
  • Assessing and adapting to climate change over time.
  • Maintaining a healthy indoor environment by controlling moisture and reducing harmful substances.
  • Saving water with monitoring, optimization and water-saving technologies.
  • Making recycling, repairing, and reusing easy for tenants to promote resource efficiency.
  • Protecting biodiversity by avoiding herbicides and preserving valuable natural areas.
  • Using products and services that meet strict health and environmental standards.

Want to know more about environmental certification with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel?

Contact us and we will help you:

Please state which product you are considering eco-labeling with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

Bjørn Olav Aarø Strandli



What does it cost?

When you apply for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, you must pay a fee. Additionally, when you have a certification, you must pay an annual licence fee based on the turnover of the certified product or service.

Please visit our Nordic website to see the specific fees. You will find them at the bottom of the page for the relevant product group under the fees» tab. You can find all product groups here.