Nordic Ecolabelling is revising the criteria for grease proof paper and we hereby invite you to comment on our proposal no later than June 30th, 2023.

The most important changes are:
- The energy requirement (O5) and the limit value set on the emissions of greenhouse gases (700 kg/ADt) in O7 in the Criteria for Greaseproof Paper. If you have comments on these levels, please explain your objections by specifying which kind of fuel you use, and why you therefore consider the suggested limits to be a challenge.
- The requirement for functional properties of the product (O13). If you have comments on the suggested tests, please explain your objections by specifying what kind of test you use, and why you consider the suggested tests to be a challenge.
Submit your response
The proposed criteria have been prepared by representatives from the Nordic Ecolabelling offices under the leadership of the Nordic product manager Niina Tanskanen, Ecolabel Finland. Contact person in Norway is Kristian Kruse, and we ask you to send the comments to us by 30th of June 2023 via the submission form on our website, by mail or by e-mail to