The Nordic Swan Ecolabel environmental requirements for renovation of buildings

Nordic Swan Ecolabelled Renovation is a good tool to ensure that renovation projects are carried out with strict environmental requirements, good quality assurance and with regard to a good indoor environment.

A Nordic Swan Ecolalabelled Renovation guarantees that the renovated building has:

  • Low energy consumption after renovation.
  • Good indoor environment and low emissions of hazardous chemicals.
  • Survey/environmental analysis before the renovation and that hazardous substances and waste have been properly disposed of.
  • Building materials, materials and chemical products meet high environmental and health requirements.
  • Promoted reuse of construction products and materials.

The building types that can be Nordic Swan Ecolabelled renovated are single-family houses, multi-family houses, buildings for schools and preschools and office buildings.

Want to know more about environmental certification with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel?

Contact us and we will help you:

Please state which product you are considering eco-labeling with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

Bjørn Olav Aarø Strandli



What does it cost?

When you apply for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, you must pay a fee. Additionally, when you have a certification, you must pay an annual licence fee based on the turnover of the certified product or service.

Please visit our Nordic website to see the specific fees. You will find them at the bottom of the page for the relevant product group under the fees» tab. You can find all product groups here.